Kerakat Beach East Lombok

The Beach Hut Kerakat is one of a stretch of beach that lined around the island of Lombok. The Beach Hut Kerakat is also not less menarinya when compared to other beaches on the island of Lombok is already known by halayak. It has an area of roughly 700 m from where the berhempasnya waves. Black sand containing iron items into charming sangan views, sand it will sparkle when exposed to sunlight. The beach is very suitable as a place of vacation with your family and people we care about.

One of Lombok's tourism potential which makes known to the world is its beautiful beaches. The beautiful beaches that line the perimeter of the island of Lombok, but of the many beaches that, just a few beaches are known by domestic or foreign tourists. Besides Which, the Coastline of Cape Lofster, Buy, Ampenan, Senggigi Beach, and Malimbo, there are many other beaches are also not less interesting and fascinating compared to the beaches, it's just a lack of promotion caused beaches that are not recognized by the halayak, one of which is a Beach Cottage located in the hamlet of Kerakat Sukamulia East Pohgading Village sub district Pringgabaya East Lombok Regency.

The Beach Hut Kerakat, also known as the Cape Coast Dig yet more people that know the cottage Kerakat, this is due to the large number of cottages lined the kerakat around the beach. In kerakat here's the fishermen who came from the village of Pohgading East and beyond gathered before starting ngerakat (catching fish with nets large enough) and fish there anyway their resting and dividing the catch of fish after completion of catching fish.

This beach is frequented by local tourists, especially on Sundays, new year and other major holidays. At the time of school holidays, many school children who spend their time to camp on the beach. Many people who do separing silat and soccer drills voly Beach and play other sports.

The waves are larger/high also become irreplaceable for visitors to come to this beach, splashing on the sidelines pursuit of waves is very popular by the visitors and even some times author saw foreign tourists surfing at the beach. Finish pampering yourself in the middle of pursuit of regular visitors to surf, pamper her body on top of black sand. The sand beach is clean, not dusty and neither is littered by organic waste plastic and hence the visitors not afraid wrap her skin with sand and dipantai Cottage bathroom purportedly Kerakat Sun then wrapped himself in the sand while the entire body can eliminate skin diseases and diseases of the joints. Heheeee was sich our elders said, but it is also rightly kok. Oya, finished bathing in sea water, rinsing her regular visitors with fresh water. At the Beach Hut Kerakat there is spring clean is called with the name Dipper Badok. Visitors can clean his body in the Lake that is in the water and water mat guaranteed clean. At this beach, you can also watch the Sun Sun Rice and a Set of golden sparkles.

The wind that blows spoi keeps visitors happy to play around with the family and people they pity. It should be also known, if you look to the North and South on the beach then you will see the Long Beach that is so enchanting. Then if you look westward then you will see the expanse of the Palm Grove tree lined around the West Coast, you can also see a view of Mount Rinjani, which is blue with the shield and if you direct your gaze kea rah East then you will meliht the expanse of blue ocean where at the end of the view you'll see a series of mountains on the island of Sumbawa. Anyway friends, for that pantastis invite your family, friends and the people you love for a vacation to the Beach Cottage Kerakat

At the moment the moonlit beach visitors, usually quite crowded because susana moonlit in Kerakat very enchanting. Young-mudi bergagandeng usually articulated mesra witnessed a sea of watered by the sparkle of light of the moon. Many people who brought his family to enjoy the full moon while betalet (plant portion of his body in the sand) because according to the story, betalet in this beach can eliminate the pain of gout and rheumatic diseases. At the time the light of the Moon is also a lot of people who spend their time camped in Kerakat.

So at a glance information that can serve the author's Hometown Media page related to the Beach Cottage Kerakat is generally known only by people around and yet so many outsiders who knew him. Hopefully this information is useful for all of us. Through this paper we also hope so that the local government and the provincial government Lotim WNT memperomosikan can help us and help us to build these sights so that in future the Beach Hut Kerakat can serve as tourist attractions are not less popular with beach Senggigi or so Which this asset can be a regional asset that will be able to add to the Original Income Area

Location And Maps Kerakat Beach
