Lancing Beach Central Lombok

Lancing Beach Central Lombok
Holidays to Lombok is fun, especially if you have your own way to enjoy it. Yo'i guys, you have an adventurous spirit and a rider would fit really lingering holiday in Lombok. You can explore some beautiful beaches in central Lombok with a hefty fun road route to the rider. In the course of any you would berdecak amazed by the landscapes there.

The beaches of Lancing, not many people know the beautiful beaches in the South of Lombok. But it is not difficult to find this location, because the beaches of Lancing is between the coast and the beach and Mawun Mawi. If of Selong Belanak, you just need to drive to follow the path towards Kuta Beach. After passing the coast of Mawi, the rate of vehicles shall be reduced. Because the route to the coast of Lancing this will not look like the entrance to the beach Selong Belanak.
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Directions beach is only a Lancing small banners began to fade, that may not be visible or not to draw attention to you. The outer appearance is not seen as the gateway to the other tourist sites. But for those of you who really hooked blusukan, this place can attract attention. The road to the beach is also uneven and only a footpath that is almost covered by juntaian weeds.

When it comes to on the waterfront, you are treated to views of the coast would appear to be clean. Natural-looking, beautiful beach with no stall strung, lodging or a row of chairs. With a beautiful view to the right of the left coast, it appears the hills looming. The white sand beach, the sand is almost similar to details of Kuta Beach, round like coriander, but terselingi with black particles, perhaps flakes of seaweed. On the waterfront is still overgrown by weeds and shrubs.

Here the eye you would be spoiled by the blue sea water, such as the beautiful beaches of Lombok, making at home and not want to immediately depart from here. The beaches of Lancing is also often made into a fishing location by the residents, anglers will be waiting for the water to recede. When during the day, the waves crashing on the beach is also quite large. If the sea water receded, you can also play in the stretch of sea grass, guys.
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How, do you like blusukan, like touring, rider, wanted to have an adventure? Come to Lombok, there are still plenty of clean Beaches and other natural tourist destinations that are waiting for you!

Location And Maps Lancing Beach Central Lombok
