Malaysia students USIN Learn to Boarding Schools Al-Islahuddiny Kediri West Lombok

Boarding Schools Al-Islahuddiny Kediri West Lombok
Boarding Schools Al-Islahuddiny Kediri West Lombok, one of "who will visit Freshman USIN Malaysia. As many as 90 students from the State Islamic University of Science (USIN) Nine Malaysia learn about education in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.
"Why we chose Lombok Barat, because 90 percent of the inhabitants are Muslim and also a lot of pesantrennya cottage," says Professor USIN Nine Malaysia Prof H Fuanlatifah Abu, in Gerung, Tuesday.
While in West Lombok Regency, he said, the student will work and learn about ukhuwah education in West Lombok Regency over the past nine days.

Fuanlatifah Abu who is also friend of TGH Taisir was revealed, it has devised a programme of learning in West Lombok Regency, in collaboration with the Global Islamic Student.
"The goal to attract volunteers and civic as well as do cooperation with selected boarding schools in West Lombok," he said.
That cooperation with some famous boarding schools in West Lombok Regency, among them Al-Islahuddiny boarding schools, and boarding schools, the District Judge Nurul Kediri.

In addition, boarding schools of Al-Aziziyah district Gunungsari, boarding schools Nurul Haramain NW, and boarding schools in district Hikmatussyarief NW Narmada.

West Lombok Regent H Fauzan Khalid appreciated the very existence of student visits USIN Malaysia to learn about education, especially in the boarding schools regions.
He hopes that the arrival of students from neighbouring Indonesia that it could be the motivation for the West Lombok District to continue to be able to build up the area.
"May be the motivation for all of us, especially in the field of education," said Regent who has served as Chairman of the Commission of Elections (ELECTION COMMISSION) the province NTB.
The familiar Regent greeted Ojan is also planning a visit back to Malaysia by bringing groups of Assembly of Indonesia Ulema (MUI) West Lombok Regency.
"The MUI also its work helps improve the quality of education of children in West Lombok district," he said again. 

Location And Maps Boarding Schools Al-Islahuddiny Kediri West Lombok

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