Nambung Beach West Lombok, Salty Waterfalls

Nambung Beach West Lombok
Lombok Island keeps an unusual natural beauty. One of them is a waterfall located on the shores of salty Nambung, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).
"Will come to: Nambung bich." Welcome to writing with a local accent it installed local residents to show site Pantai Nambung.

Sand SURF Beaches and pepper Nambung, seems to welcome the arrival of tourists on the beach. Nambung Beach has a wide beach with a beautiful view of the sea as well as the loss of the ranks of the hills that surround the coast.
In addition to its natural beauty, visitors can see a row of seaweed are neatly laid along the shore. Because in addition to looking for fish, the locals make use of the beach as a place of cultivation of seaweed.

The beach is located in the hamlet of Nambung Pengantap, village Buwun, Kecamatan Sekotong Gold, West Lombok, NTB. From the city of Mataram, the journey can be reached by car or motorcycle for two hours.
The location of the ' waterfall ' is located at the tip of salty Beaches Nambung. To be able to achieve it, we must walk down the sand and rocks on the coast of Nambung.
Although the mileage to a location not too far away. But the visitors had to pass through the sand like grains of pepper that makes the foot felt heavy tread. Likewise, when passing the rocks, visitors are expected to be careful because quite prone.

In addition to the walk, there is another alternative to be able to reach the location. Visitors can rent boats belonging to local fishermen to reach the location of the falls. Enough to spend Rp 10,000 visitors can enjoy boating around the coast of Nambung.
If beaches are currently receding behind a rock cliff at the end of the beach there is a natural pool of Nambung is located in the middle ranks of the coral reef. That's where the location of the ' waterfall ' is salty.

That day, dozens of local tourists clustered on the edge of the pond looked Middle waiting for something. "Aahh ...," cried they broke when the large waves crashing rocks.
The froth of white waves crashing rocks, form the flow of water between the rocks so that it formed a salt waterfall. It is this view which is always awaited every visitor who comes to this place.

The sensation of falling water is salty on the beach this Nambung kian santer discussed in cyberspace. No wonder, more and more people are curious and want to see this place. Despite having to traverse terrain that is pretty gross, but a sense of exhausted will be paid off with charming scenery.
The visitors willing to be patient to be able to enjoy this Nambung waterfall. Like Andi, one visitor origin of Mataram. He willingly berpanas-panas in order to witness the thrill of falling water salty in Nambung Beach.

"It's been from last I wait dont appear-appear, but fitting the appearance of cool," said Andi.
While at this location, visitors need to be vigilant because the waves that come from behind the cliff can be unpredictable.
According to locals, the beach getting crowded Nambung visited the last few months. Most of them are young people who are curious about the existence of the ' waterfall '.

The number of visitors began coming to this place to give a positive impact for local residents. The area originally deserted now crowded by tourists.
By providing service of parking in his yard, residents got a sufficient income. In addition hawkers also began life with a large number of visitors. It's just the entrance to the place is still not well-ordered.

In addition, the problem of waste is still a problem in the place of tourism. There has been no such sanitary garbage. It is aggravated by the behavior of visitors that often throw trash around tourist sites. This problem should be a shared concern, either the local government or its visitors.

The magic Waterfall Salted on shore Nambung Lombok

The waterfall was originally derived from the sea waves crashing madly and melewatibebatuan so that water splashed against the rocks as if becoming the Foundation of the waterfall named Cape of good Jagog. We just need to be patient waiting for the hard edge of the waves. While waiting for the waves to come we can also see directly the sea grass lined along the shore, because the coast of Lombok nambung is also a place of cultivation of seaweed as the livelihood of the local people in addition to be a fisherman.

While the beaches are receding in nambung beach of its beauty. Because the stone cliff behind there will be natural pools in the middle ranks of the rock where the waterfall was salty. Lombok Island Kiniwisata this one the more vigorous and lively perbincangkan in cyberspace. No escape from the tourist local and abroad, they came just to look forward to the waterfall salty Cape Jagog diPantai Nambung Lombok. Well.. don't forget to stop by here ya to enjoy the natural beauty of this magnificent.

If beaches are currently receding behind a rock cliff at the end of the beach there is a natural pool of Nambung is located in the middle ranks of the coral reef. That's where the location of the ' waterfall ' is salty. The froth of white waves crashing rocks, form the flow of water between the rocks so that it formed a salt waterfall. It is this view which is always awaited every traveller that comes natural to this exotic place.
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The sensation of falling water is salty on the beach this Nambung kian santer discussed in cyberspace. No wonder, more and more people are curious and want to see this place. Despite having to traverse terrain that is pretty gross, but a sense of exhausted will be paid off with charming scenery. So, if you to Lombok, don't forget to take a moment to enjoy the sensation of falling water is salty.

Location And Maps Nambung Beach West Lombok

Address: Nambung, Montong Ajan, Praya Bar. Daya, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Bar., Indonesia
