Nyongkolan culture Is Culture uniquely Sasak Lombok island

The community may come from outside the island of Lombok will feel foreign and confused about the ceremony of nyongkolan. But not so with native Sasak community. For the people of Sasak, nyongkolan is a unique ceremony and has become the tradition of hereditary in welcoming a wedding. Ceremonies or activities nyongkolan now it is often we encounter every day, but the most commonly encountered is when the weekend arrives.

The streets that are normally used by the public is often crowded with the presence of nyongkolan participants. Toll roads turn into lively with beverages and dozens even hundreds of people who accompany the bridegroom towards the residence of the bride's House. Groups of participants nyongkolan else looks compact by using the customary usage.

History of nyongkolan

The custom of nyongkolan has been known since the times of the Kingdom still existed on the island of Lombok. Nyongkolan is a custom events as one part of the wedding procession of Sasak community. The point of the procession of the nyongkolan this is in an effort to introduce a second pair of bride to the surrounding communities.

Nyongkolan activities done by the bride and groom some accompanied by relatives, relatives and families of the bride and groom. By using custom clothing lengklap, suluruh participants will walk with groups of traditional music very much. Some commonly used traditional music is like the gendang beleq, kecimol and dances rudat.

In arak-arak, nyongkolan participants from groups of the bridegroom also brings a wide range of agricultural estates and result objects such as fruits or vegetables that will be distributed to the families, relatives and neighbors of his brides.
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But not so in certain circles as Duke. Nobility in Sasak ceremony nyongkolan process is a little different, the procedures and the order of the procession as well as objects that have brought certain rules. If you're lucky will find process nyongkolan carried out by indigenous nobility Sasak filled with shades of sacredness.

The Uniqueness Of Nyongkolan

That is unique in the process of customs nyongkolan this is how berbaurnya society (family) as well as relatives of the bridegroom with the bride's family and relatives wanitya unexpectedly. About then they rejoice along with the music very much indeed has been prepared as a counterpoint to the customs.

The street is sometimes mancet are urged when there are groups of nyongkolan and usually occur at the weekend as Saturday and Sunday. Usually the Customs Nyongkolan be done during late afternoon or after Athan dzuhur echoed.

When you are in the course of cross sections of road in the town of mataram and surrounding areas, incidentally coincides directly with groups of participants Nyongkolan, then there is no harm in you also take the time to become part of the procession goes along with nyongkolan participants. Don't forget to set up your camera to capture the moment-the moment a uniquely indigenous Sasak Tribe Nyongkolan.
