Pergasingan Hill Sembalun East Lombok

Pergasingan Hill Sembalun East Lombok
Mount Rinjani is always enticing tourists to visit Lombok, NTB. From the Hill of Pergasingan, mount Rinjani looks beautiful. Hiking paths to Rinjani first just two from Senaru and Sembalun regions. But now there are several hiking paths. For those who do not pursue the mountaintop usually tourists ride through Senaru. But those who pursue the Summit, normally they rise from Sembalun regions.
But for those who can't bear to ride though to Segara Anak, tourists can berfoto-foto against the backdrop of Mount Rinjani. Bukit Pergasingan Lombok now appears kepermukaan as new attractions are a favorite for travelers especially nature lovers and mountaineers, is located in the village of sembalun regions, pergasingan Hill is a hill located beside the towering mount rinjani.

The Hill has an elevation of 1670 mdpl pergasingan only difference 56 meters of andong in magelang, pergasingan Hill offers spectacular views of the rice fields boxes the sembalun regions colorful village, in addition to the rice village sembalun regions, we will see Mount rinjani stands firmly in front of the eye, plus more sunrise at the top of pergasingan is also not less beautiful arrived at the Summit of a Hill Pergasingan, vast savannas is quite extensive. From the top of Mount Rinjani, one stands a stout challenge heaven. A large pool of water next to the vegetable garden visible from the top of one.

Arpini said that shelter was a pool of water for irrigation of vegetable fields. The hills of Pergasingan which is in Lombok is indeed charming. Let alone the usually cool hills this one used as a warm-up before the climb to mount Rinjani. Or it could be as an alternative to climbing if for example the line climbing Mount Rinjani is being closed. On the Hill of Pergasingan, visitors can see Mount Rinjani clearly and certainly could take pictures with the mountain background. To achieve the required hill struggle that is not easy.

Suppose you want to pursue the sunrise, you should come to the Hill of Pergasingan in the morning. Now therefore, the day before the Pergasingan, you should stay in the past in lodgings in the area of Sembalun regions. Because of Mataram city towards the Sembalun regions it takes it takes 4-5 hours. From Sembalun regions towards the Hill of Pergasingan, you can traverse by car or motorcycle. Then you have to prepare to climb and climb about 70 stairs to reach the spot photos or views of Rinjani first. If you have a lot of time and strong enough, you can reach the top of the Hill Pergasingan.

I am from lodging in the Sembalun regions set off at around 05:00:00 and arrived on the Hill at 05:00 p.m. around. Jove, after I climbed and reached the first spot, I could see the beauty of God's creation. Arguably the Hill pergasingan has similarities with the mountain of andong in magelang, in andong at the mountain we will see the views of rice fields around the village and mount merbabu that stands firmly in front of the eyes.

On the Hill of pergasingan we can also see Mount rinjani, the rice village and the sembalun regions that are not less beautiful sunrise from the mountain of Andong, we call it the hills pergasingan his horse cart. Because the climb is not too long, just take about 1-2 hours of so many tourist particularly students who come here to spend the weekend, besides tourist Hill pergasingan also serve as a spot of paragliding and downhill. Due to the crystal clear water of the River in the hills of Pergasingan, some small fish ever seen in the river. In addition in this Hill, the cleanliness of its environment is still awake.

No junk-junk around the site. Really really beautiful scenery at Bukit Pergasingan. So now you can simply specify it yourself. Want to go up to the mountain by climbing Rinjani Senaru or Sembalun regions. Or you just want to take pictures with the backdrop of Mount Rinjani on the Hill of Pergasingan.

The Summit Of The Two

In addition to the Summit, climbers can to the top two which is about 1.5 kilometres from the first stop point. A path that is likely to pass through the ramps and tropical forest overgrown with grass. As well as across a row of evergreen trees that grow on the mountain hills. After climbing the Hill bald without the trees, the canopy of the forest making enough shade from sun exposure.

At the end of the line, the top two vast overgrown grass. "It's the tip of the island of Mace and Sulat. Gili Lawang and his nice Sulat. Otherwise foggy could see the sea, "said Arpini which also guides the ascent of Mount Rinjani. Climbing the Hill Pergasingan is a two day one night trip. Ideally the climbers pursue the sun rising on the eastern horizon that instantly appeared from the direction of the sea.
Climbing generally begins when early morning at 02.00 WITA and arrived before dawn. For licensing and guided climbing, climbers can reach the local community i.e. the Sembalun regions Community Development Center.

Location And Maps Pergasingan Hill Sembalun East Lombok
