Tebing Beach / Cliff Beach North Lombok

Tebing Beach / Cliff Beach North Lombok
Come to the Cliff Coast of Lombok! Black sand seems to absorb the heat of the Sun so scorching that day. The edge of the wave devouring shore, but does not reduce the temperature of the air. The cliffs towering over the looks are proud to stand. His lines as if cut throat by a giant AX-AX slicing him with a naked eye.

There is no place to take shelter at the beach that could be saved from solar shock that day. The leaves of the trees looked waving from afar, from a height of +-25 metres above the cliffs. My little Moor jackets that are attached to the skin, if it is to shelter at least I should walk closer towards the side of the cliff. Lombok tourist attractions are indeed always have the uniqueness of each.
Blazing Sun frankly doesn't reduce the exotic Beach of Lombok's towering Cliffs and extends from North to South about 50 meters. Some of the visitors who came that day not too attentive to the hot weather, they nonetheless enjoy the cool beach beauty Cliff Lombok. It appears also in the cheerful faces of the children who play the black sand. No need to doubt, many visitors take photos even for just selfie. Sightseeing in Lombok is indeed very instagramable.

Cliff Beach Lombok is located in the hamlet of Luk, village Sambik Bangkol, district Ganga, north Lombok Regency. With driving motor from Mataram city, approximately 1.5 hours of my life partner and I got to the location of the Cliff coast of Lombok. But a little unfortunate, yet no lodging around there. Whereas hotels on Lombok.

The beach of Luk, local people familiar with that name. While tourists are more familiar with the term Cliff coast due to a row of cliffs along the coast. But according to some info that I read before going to the beaches of Tebiang, it is said that a white limestone cliff that is the "monument" of the eruption of Mount Samalas or mount Rinjani or now known as Mount New fingers.

Saturday I'm fad open social media a friend. Incidentally once saw a picture of him with a backdrop of beautiful cliffs. I think he was in the hills somewhere so, after seeing captionnya, turns out he's on the edge of the beach.

Armed with curious me against a friend's photo, I started surfing in cyberspace. Looking for info about Cliff beach. Already a lot of info collected, I immediately invited my life partner to go on a picnic to the beach cliffs in north Lombok Regency.

Aih, along the way I begin to imagine. Towering cliffs, black sand, blowing wind and of course thought would be what kind of poses with photos. * hehehe ... Understandably, the narcissist is indeed always thinking of things to do when in cool places. Lombok is an island paradise that has millions of places to be bernarsis.

This is due to wake up sleeping through, we set off from Mataram city in a hurry. Do not carry a lot of stock, but don't worry there not far from the location of the beach have been many sellers of food and drinks. I so do not worry about hunger and thirst in very hot temperatures.

Well for Ezytravelers who want to go to the seaside cliffs are also like us. If you depart from Mataram city, there are two routes you guys are going through. the first is via the Pusuk, of course in this line you guys will be accompanied with a green atmosphere. The expanse of hills, fields, map and of course also the shadowy trees.

The second path is through the path of Senggigi, of course you can indulge the eye with a very beautiful panorama. Enjoy the coast, the blue sea, the waves roll. From this line of course could see the 3 Gili pretty namely Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan and from a distance. The green of the hills also indulges the eye, the contrast between sea and dunes all in one frame of the trip.
If you guys know the village of Bayan in Lombok Utara, Lombok Cliffs to the beach well through the main road linking the town of Mataram and Desan Bayan. Ah, our journey is not over yet, there are still some places that are like us to explore in Northern Lombok. There will be a custom event that we want to follow. Hey, bring home junk of yours! Don't litter the beach, loved nature around ...

Location And Maps Tebing Beach / Cliff Beach North Lombok
