Waterfall Benang Stokel Central Lombok

Waterfall Benang Stokel Central Lombok
The falls Benang Stokel indeed proved that the charm of Lombok will never endless. Natural tourist destinations such as the mountains and the beach has been very familiar among the traveller. If you visit Lombok, no matter you should not miss to stop over briefly in the waterfall Benang Stokel.

Benang Setokel in the local language means "a bunch of yarn". It is named so because its shape resembling a bonding yarn. This waterfall has two terjunan, each with a height of about 20 meters. The water is very clear and fresh. At the base of the waterfall there is a large basin and deep enough. So for your bernyali, you can jump from the tip of the waterfall into the pool crystal clear and fresh. From the pond, the water then flows through the river. Due to the crystal clear, you can see the bottom of the river. If you visit along with the fruit of the heart, you can invite him to play in the river. The river is quite shallow and calm. So the sons and daughters you can take to feel the freshness of the water.
The waterfall is located in the hamlet of Pemontoh Stokel, Berik, Aik Village Stone Keliang Regency central Lombok. If you are from the city of Mataram, approximately you will take about 1 hour to get to the village. However, drive drove 30 kilometres yet to deliver you at the waterfall. You still have to walk 500 metres from the entrance because road conditions do not allow to be crossed.

Indeed to reach the place is not an easy thing as turn the Palm of the hand. But you will certainly be pleased though the pun must walk. Panorama of nature presented in each trip will certainly makes you comfortable. Surely you will find many trees.

After arriving at the Waterfall of the thread, you'll feel the Benang Stokel sensation of fresh water that flows from a height of about 30 meters. The waterfall has two points that are each different water discharge. Although different but still kesejukannya the same sensations. To be sure, you can't miss the beautiful moment when swimming under a waterfall. What's more, this waterfall is believed able to overcome hair loss and beautify the skin.

The falls Benang Stokel also has a name that is unique, certainly seunik place. The actual name was taken because of the waterfall that falls between the long-length striped cliffs which forms a clot stokel thread resembling. Unique, isn't it?

So, wait for what again? You have to prove the truth of the myth. Quiet, you only need to spend the budget of Rp. 3,000 per person. As for the budgetnya foreign tourists only Rp. 10,000 only per person. Isn't that the very cheap price for the satisfaction of going natural?
So, wait, what more if you are travelling in Lombok, squeeze yourself to enjoy the beauty of nature in the waterfall Yarn Stokel

Location And Maps Waterfall Benang Stokel Central Lombok
