Lombok and Nicknames "Island Million Maling"

Lombok and Nicknames Maling
Ever heard the term "Lombok island is an island of a thousand million mosque with a skeleton". You know what the meaning of the term?

Here's the story. Lombok island which belongs to the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) as the opposite of the island of Bali. On the island, the majority of its people are Muslims.

Magnificent mosques and luxury will be easily found in every village along the way on this island. The island is divided into 4 districts namely West Lombok, Middle East, and most recently the north Lombok.

It makes sense if the island off Bali is called has the a thousand mosques. But, why are juxtaposed with the term ' seller ' a skeleton?

To get the answer, try to visit indigenous villages of Sade, central Lombok. Sade is one of the village hamlet in the village of Rimbitan, Pujut Subdistrict, central Lombok Regency.

Sasak Lombok island natives as originating from the Austronesian ethnic group inhabiting the village, and serve as a cultural village. People in the village still holds fast to the Customs and culture of their ancestors.

Wahid, one of the residents of the village who becomes a tour guide explained, is the oldest village of Sade Village Sasak now has grown to 9 village. The village consisted of 150 houses with 150 heads the family inhabited by 700 inhabitants.
"Everyone here brothers due to mate with cousin-cousin respectively, very rarely are married to residents outside the village of Sade," he said.
Marriage with fellow Sasak valued more cheaply because it only requires the dowry set of tools of prayer. Whereas if married to citizens outside, maharnya could have been a Buffalo tail with two, very expensive for them. The whole citizen Sade is muslim.

Wedding in Sasak are pleasantly unique. The men are required to kidnap or fleeing of his favorite girls before they married.
After a kidnapping-locals call it stolen like a thief-the parents of groom would ask for a mediator or referred to penyelabar, to reunited with the family of the woman.
Penyelabar that's the later that will report to the head of customs and elderly women. This Penyelabar who preach that the girl's parents of the woman has been rushed. A serious man to marry her.
"If men ask in well to the elderly woman, later even the girl is considered to be goods. But if stolen thus became respectable, "he said.
Well, this is the reason of custom of Lombok island is referred to as a million "gunsmith". Not that many thefts in Lombok and insecure, but related way in Sasak marriage have to do with how children escape of girls people.

Child girl Sasak won't be kidnapped if can not typical songket weaving. The average Sasak girls to be married at the age of 15-16 years and men will marry at the age of 18-19 years.
Parents have taught the children weave gadisnya since the age of 9 years. Weaving is women's work my waiting husband or the man who edged livelihood as farmers ' rice paddies rainwater.
